Housing Registrar
United Housing Co-operative Ltd
Registration Category: Housing Provider
Registration Date: 13 October 2008
Agency Trading Name:

Agency contacts
CEO: Peter Sibly   Chairperson: Not specified
Website: http://www.unitedhousing.org.au
Phone: 03 9689 8157
Head Office: 1A Ballarat Street, YARRAVILLE, VIC, Australia, 3013

Agency purpose / vision

To provide secure and affordable rental housing in the northern and western regions of Melbourne through a sustainable community housing co-operative

Agency history

The Essendon and Footscray Rental Housing Co-operatives (ERHC and FRHC) were established in the early 1980s by groups of community minded people in each of the respective municipalities. These two groups, along with several others, were responding to a Victorian Government initiative which encouraged the development of community-based rental housing co-operatives. The Government provided funding for each group to employ a community/housing worker, and to assist members to learn all aspects of rental housing co-operative management. This included finances, property maintenance, tenancy management, running meetings and administrative tasks.
By the late 1980s, both co-operatives had become registered businesses with Committees of Management, workers and founding members living in co-operative properties. Property management was undertaken by members working together and with the employed workers. As the co-operatives expanded to include more properties, members took on additional tasks, such as selecting new members and dealing with tradespeople, obtaining quotes, administration and networking with related housing organisations. Within a few years, each of the Footscray and Essendon Rental Housing Co-operatives were financially self-sufficient.
In 2006, the Essendon and Footscray Rental Housing Co-operatives merged, with the administrative base at Footscray RHC's office in Yarraville. The merger created a much larger organisation and in 2010 changed its name to United Housing Co-operative Ltd. to reflect the amalgamation of two rental housing co-operatives.

Scope of operations

Long Term accommodation

Housing support services

Housing information & referral; social housing advocacy; tenant member support; member education grants program

Tenant/Client group

Single parent families; lower income families including unemployed, low waged and pensioners; single people including older people; people with disabilities; refugee and migrant families.

Other services

Social Club

Geographic areas covered

North & West Metropolitan

Key statistics
Housing properties under management


Properties in agency ownership


Tenancy units under management


Tenancy units in agency ownership




Total assets for the last financial year


Annual turnover for the last financial year


Operational surplus for the last financial year


Current housing projects

Rapid Housing Family Violence Program through which eight properties are being purchased and tenanted in FY 2017.

Legal structure

United Housing Co-operative Ltd. is incorporated under the Co-operative Act 1996

Key partnerships

Macaulay Community Services for Women (MCSW)