Housing Registrar
Public Register

Register of Housing Agencies

Provider information

Registered agency incorporated name: The Haven Foundation Ltd
Agency trading name:
Previous entity name: The Haven Foundation
Incorporation act: Corporations Act 2001
ABN: 46640715540
Registered office: 86-92 Mount Street, Heidelberg, VIC, Australia, 3084
Website: http://www.havenfoundation.org.au/
CEO: Gill Callister
Chairperson: Richard Wynne
Public officer / company secretary: Not specified
Full names of governing body members:
Prof. Allan Fels, AO
Jeremy Coggin
Leilani Darwin
Lesley Dredge
Simon Dubois
Teresa Fels
Angela MacMillan
Bernadette Mullin

Registration information

Current registration category: Housing Provider
Initial registration date: Friday, 15 March 2013
Registration number: 43
Periods when not registered in preceding five years: Not Applicable

Compliance information history

Compliance with Performance Standards

Compliance with Performance Standards and Executive Summaries are published from the 2018-19 compliance year in accordance with a Ministerial direction under Section 80 of the Housing Act 1983.

Performance Reports are published from the 2019-20 compliance year.

Year Date of Annual Compliance Assessment Governance Management Probity Financial viability Tenant and housing services Housing assets Community engagement Executive summary from Annual Compliance Assessment Performance report
2022-2023 Met Met Met Met Met Met Met Performance Report 2022-2023
2021-2022 Met Met Met Met Met Met Met Executive Summary 2021-2022 Performance Report 2021-2022
2020-2021 Met Met Met Met Met Met Met Executive Summary 2020-2021 Performance Report 2020-2021
2019-2020 7/04/2021 Met Met Met Met Met Met Met Executive Summary 2019-2020 Performance Report 2019-2020
2018-2019 18/03/2020 Met Met Met Met Met Met Met Executive Summary 2018-2019

Reports supplied under Section 105 in preceding five years

Year Report name Date submitted
2022-2023 105(1)(a) Performance against performance standards
105(1)(b) Financial statements and accounts
2021-2022 105(1)(a) Performance against performance standards
105(1)(b) Financial statements and accounts
2020-2021 105(1)(a) Performance against performance standards
105(1)(b) Financial statements and accounts
2019-2020 105(1)(a) Performance against performance standards
105(1)(b) Financial statements and accounts
2018-2019 105(1)(a) Performance against performance standards
105(1)(b) Financial statements and accounts

Intervention action taken under the Housing Act 1983

(published from 1 July 2019 in accordance with a Ministerial direction under Section 80 of the Housing Act 1983)

No records found.